Rough Lemon Petitgrain
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Rough Lemon Petitgrain
Rough Lemon Petitgrain
Rough Lemon Petitgrain

Rough Lemon Petitgrain

Essential Oil, 10ml

Botanical Name: Citrus jambhiri (Lemon Petitgrain) Oil

Origin: Peru

GCMS Report

From the jungle of the southern amazon, this unique and refreshing rough-lemon petitgrain oil brings you uplifting aromatics. Sourced from a regenerative agroforestry project and produced artisinally, this oil is strong with an ethereal undertone.

$20.00 $25.00





Plant Information

Citrus jambhiri is a hybrid citrus tree that is cold tolerant. The tree has thorns and the branches seem to sprawl out. The fruit has a rough skin, hence its name \"Rough Lemon\". The tree is used as root stock in a grafting process for more popular varieties of fruits.